The Sinharaja National Heritage Wilderness Area, covering a considerable area of primary and secondary forest, was declared a Man and Biosphere Reserve in 1978, became a National Heritage Wilderness Area in 1988 and named a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1989. It is the most important area of rainforest remaining in Sri Lanka and features spectacular bio-diversity.Based on numerous eco-geographical classifications of the vegetation of the island, Sinharaja may be described either as a Tropical lowland rain forest or Tropical wet evergreen forest. However, the most resent classifications adopted by the UNESCO identifies it as a Tropical Humid Ceylonese Rain Forest of the Indo - Malayan realm.
The endemic flora of Sinharaja occupies a unique status since it accounts for 75% of the total number of species recorded among the island’s trees. The contribution of the endemics to the forest stand ranges from 75% to 92%.
In Sinharaja, as in any rain forest, the presence of larger mammals is indicated in the form of droppings, tracks, animal calls etc. The terrain and structure of the forest, however, make visual sightings comparatively difficult. The Purple-Faced Leaf Monkey is perhaps the most observable of the mammals. These monkeys move in groups of 10 to 14, high up in forest canopy and their territorial calls echo for miles around the forest. The Toque Monkey is rare inside the forest but is more commonly observed in the peripheral areas.Several large mammals are characteristically terrestrial and feed off the forest floor. This group includes herbivorous browsers and mixed feeders, such as the Wild Pig, Sambhur, Mouse Deer and the Barking Deer. Although Elephants were common in the periphery of the forest, they have not been sighted in the western sector since 1974.The major carnivore of the forest is the Leopard. Leopards are seldom sighted but their presence is frequently confirmed by tracks and other signs. Also found within the forest are the rare Rusty-Spotted Cat and the Fishing Cat.
Of the nocturnal species, commonly recorded are the endemic civets and the Striped-Necked Mongoose. Three species of squirrels are common in the forest, the Flame-Striped Jungle Squirrel, the Dusky-Striped Jungle Squirrel and the Western Giant Squirrel. The latter is an arboreal species; so is the Flying Squirrel which is seen at dusk.Among other mammals recorded in the forest are the Porcupine and the Pangolin. Bats are a characteristic group of mammals in the Asian tropics. Six species have been recorded in Sinharaja, all of which are insectivorous species.
The reptilian fauna of Sinharaja is represented by 45 species, of while 21 are endemic. This includes a large proportion of snakes, several lizards, tortoises and skinks.
The Sinharaja Reserve is rich in bird life with an impressive 147 species recorded to date. It is also the only locality where 18 out of 20 birds species endemic to Sri Lanka may be viewed. Sinharaja is also the best location to see bird flocks of mixed and a range of endemic resident and migrant species. Birds of many species travel in mixed flocks, foraging among the leaf litter on the forest floor. Some of the more remarkable endemic species to be encountered are the Red-Faced Malkoha, Sri Lanka Blue Magpie, and Legge'sFlowerpecker. The Red-faced Malkoha is one of Sri Lanka's endangered endemics which inhabit the upper canopy at Sinharaja. It is a generally silent, shy bird which is very discreet in its behaviour. As a result, few people except experienced birdwatchers have seen the bird. A sighting of this elusive bird, however brief, is generally rated as the highlight of rainforest birdwatching.
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